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Code Radio is an internet radio station run by the freeCodeCamp community. We play music designed to help you focus while you're coding.

Code Radio是由freeCodeCamp社区运营的互联网广播电台。 我们播放旨在帮助您在编码时集中精力的音乐。

Over the past year, Code Radio had grown to be one of the largest music streams on YouTube. People played it in their coffee shops and co-working spaces. Wherever people coded, the familiar groove of Code Radio could be heard not too far off in the distance.

在过去的一年中,Code Radio已成长为YouTube上最大的音乐流之一。 人们在咖啡厅和合作空间中玩耍。 无论人们在哪里编码,都可以在不远处听到人们熟悉的Code Radio凹槽。

In the past 28 days alone, developers listened to Code Radio for more than 14 million minutes. (That's the equivalent of a whopping 27 years of jamming out and coding.)

仅在过去的28天中,开发人员就收听Code Radio超过1400万分钟。 (这相当于长达27年的干扰和编码。)

秋天 (The Fall)

One of the 1,250+ songs on Code Radio contained a short audio sample from an anime that played over a beat at the end of a song.

Code Radio上1,250多首歌曲中的一首包含了一个动画的简短音频样本,该动画在歌曲结尾的节拍中播放。

It turned out that a Japanese media company - through a series of acquisitions - happened to own the rights to that anime. And they used some sort of automated system to trawl YouTube and identify streams that had any samples from their vast catalog of intellectual property.

事实证明,一家日本媒体公司通过一系列收购,恰好拥有该动漫的权利。 他们使用某种自动化系统来拖曳YouTube,并从其庞大的知识产权目录中识别出包含任何样本的信息流。

One of those streams was Code Radio. And on Wednesday morning, their system filed an automated takedown request to YouTube.

这些流之一是Code Radio。 并且在星期三早上,他们的系统向YouTube提交了自动删除请求。

Just like that, the stereos in 1,000 cafes, offices, and hackerspaces around the world fell silent. Our Code Radio stream was replaced with this message from YouTube:

就像那样,世界各地1000个咖啡馆,办公室和黑客空间中的立体声音响都变得沉默了。 YouTube的以下消息取代了我们的Code Radio流:

We immediately contacted YouTube support. This had to be a mistake.

我们立即联系了YouTube支持。 这一定是一个错误。

The customer service reps we talked to were friendly. But they didn't know how to fix it. They didn't even know how we could regain access our channel's streaming controls. Instead they said they "would look into it and get back to us."

我们与之交谈的客户服务代表非常友好。 但是他们不知道如何解决。 他们甚至都不知道我们如何重新获得频道的流媒体控件。 相反,他们说,他们“将调查并返回给我们。”

(As of Monday afternoon, we have yet to hear back from them.)


So in the depths of this confusion - in a sea of tweets and emails from dedicated Code Radio listeners asking what was happening - I came to see the truth: Code Radio needed a new home - a home where a single questionable automated takedown request couldn't wipe it from existence.

因此,在这种混乱的深渊中-在大量来自Code Radio专用听众的推文和电子邮件中询问发生了什么-我来了解真相: Code Radio需要一所新房屋-一个只有一个可疑的自动拆卸请求就无法解决的房屋'抹去它的存在。

代码广播也兴起 (Code Radio also rises)

"Why do we fall, Mr. Wayne? So we can learn to pick ourselves back up." - Alfred in Batman Begins
“为什么我们要摔倒,韦恩先生?所以我们可以学会振作起来。” -蝙蝠侠中的阿尔弗雷德(Alfred)开始

Ah - a self-hosted Code Radio! There would be several benefits:

啊-一个自托管的Code Radio! 有几个好处:

  1. Watching YouTube uses a lot of data. Many people have limited data plans. If we self-host Code Radio, we could just serve the MP3 files themselves, rather than a video stream. We could even offer a data-light version of the music at a lower bitrate.

    观看YouTube需要使用大量数据。 许多人的数据计划有限。 如果我们自己托管Code Radio,我们可以自己提供MP3文件,而不是视频流。 我们甚至可以以较低的比特率提供音乐的数据光版本。
  2. YouTube is blocked in a lot of countries where freeCodeCamp is popular - including China. A self-hosted version of Code Radio would be available to everyone, anywhere in the world.

    在许多国家(包括中国),freeCodeCamp广受欢迎的国家/地区都禁止YouTube。 全世界任何地方的所有人都可以使用Code Radio的自托管版本。
  3. With YouTube, you have to keep the YouTube app open or the music will stop playing (unless you pay them US $12 per month for YouTube Premium). A self-hosted Code Radio could continue playing in the background on your phone - even when you switch applications or lock your phone.

    使用YouTube时,您必须保持YouTube应用处于打开状态,否则音乐将停止播放(除非您每月为YouTube Premium支付12美元)。 自托管的Code Radio可能会在手机的后台继续播放-即使您切换应用程序或锁定手机也是如此。
  4. With a self-hosted version, we could build Code Radio mobile apps, Alexa skills so you can easily listen to Code Radio on an Amazon Echo - the sky is the limit.

    使用自托管版本,我们可以构建Code Radio移动应用程序,Alexa技能,以便您可以轻松地在Amazon Echo上收听Code Radio-天空是极限。

But how would we implement a self-hosted version? Wouldn't it be expensive to serve 14 million minutes of audio each month. That's a lot of data.

但是,我们将如何实现自托管版本? 每月提供1400万分钟的音频会不会很昂贵。 大量的数据。

建筑规范电台 (Building Code Radio)

It turns out that the internet radio community is quite active. We immediately found an awesome .

事实证明,互联网广播社区非常活跃。 我们立即发现了一个很棒的 。

I reached out to the project maintainer through Twitter, and within minutes, we had him on a call with us. He was a former terrestrial radio guy. He brought us up to speed on the internet radio tooling ecosystem.

我通过Twitter与项目维护者联系,在几分钟之内,我们让他与我们通话。 他曾是一个地面广播电台的家伙。 他使我们快速了解了互联网无线电工具生态系统。

Yes - streaming digital audio to people around the world is a lot more expensive than just serving our coding curriculum data. But with some additional donations from supporters, we should be able to swing it.

是的-向世界各地的人们流式传输数字音频比仅提供我们的编码课程数据要昂贵得多。 但是有了支持者的一些额外捐款,我们应该能够实现目标。

With AzuraCast, plus some additional relay tools, we could run a self-hosted internet radio station at our previous scale for less than US $100 per month.


Side note: If you aren't a supporter yet, we would welcome your support. Every little bit helps: - And yes, we accept one-time donations, crypto, employer donation matching, and more: )

旁注:如果您还不是支持者,我们将欢迎您的支持。 每一点都有帮助: : 是的,我们接受一次性捐赠,加密,雇主捐赠匹配等: : )

Code Radio已上线。 帮助我们对其进行负载测试并提供反馈。 (Code Radio is live. Help us load-test it and give us feedback.)

You can start listening to Code Radio right now:

您可以立即开始收听Code Radio:

We are working on a lot of additional features that we'll roll out over the next few days:


  • bitrate controls (so you can save your mobile data by listening at 64 kbps)

    比特率控制(因此您可以通过以64 kbps的速度进行监听来保存移动数据)
  • some form of chat - preferably with existing forum accounts and forum moderators

  • a chatbot (maybe Nightbot again)

  • hotkeys

  • a better mobile experience

  • bringing back the classic Saron Yitbarek Code Radio animation

    带回经典的Saron Yitbarek Code Radio动画

I would like to thank @abdolsa, @beaucarnes, @raisedadead, @askmp, @scissorsneedfoodtoo, and of course Code Radio DJ and curator . They all pulled together and within 24 hours helped get this prototype up and running.

我要感谢@ abdolsa,@ beaucarnes,@ raisedadead,@ askmp,@ scissorsneedfoodtoo,当然还要感谢Code Radio DJ和策展人 。 他们全都齐心协力,并在24小时内帮助使该原型启动并运行。

YouTube真正的MVP (YouTube da real MVP)

In all seriousness, I would also like to thank YouTube. Through their own bumbling, they inadvertently forced us to take a step back and look into the possibility of self-hosting Code Radio.

真的,我还要感谢YouTube。 通过他们自己的责备,他们无意间迫使我们退后一步,研究自托管Code Radio的可能性。

We will continue to post in-depth coding tutorials and free programming courses on YouTube. We don't hold their own incompetence against them. We are grateful they exist and provide the infrastructure for nonprofits like ours to serve HD video to 1 Million+ subscribers for free.

我们将继续在YouTube上发布深入的编码教程和免费编程课程。 我们不会对他们抱有自己的无能。 我们感谢它们的存在,并为像我们这样的非营利组织提供了免费向100万以上订户提供高清视频的基础设施。

This is just the latest chapter in our community's gradual move off of proprietary platforms like Medium and Facebook, and over onto our own tools like Developer News and this forum.

这只是我们社区逐渐从专有平台(如Medium和Facebook)逐步过渡到我们自己的工具(如Developer News)和此论坛的最新篇章。

Thanks for reading, thanks for listening, and happy coding!





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